27 March 2008

Was it only a dream ?

Hi. Last night I saw a very weird dream, and I thought I'd share it with all of you guys. I saw myself standing in a large green field, and suddenly I saw a very beautiful guy standing infront of me. He was soooo old, but at the same time soooo beautiful, BUT..... In each of his hands there was a knife, and, and... He was stabbing himself with his own hands !!! I shouted 'What on earth are you doing ?!' He replied 'Please, can you ask them to stop ?!' I said 'Who ?!' He said 'My hands. They just keep stabbing me and I can't stop them !'. I said ' I just don't know how. But if they're that harmful to you and they just wouldn't stop stabbing you then, then... May be we should better CUT them and get rid of them !' He shouted 'No ! No ! You can't do that ! They're MY hands !'. I asked 'How old are you ?!' He smiled and replied 'Oh, I just don't remember, I was around since the beginning of time. For 35 years my hands were chained, and suddenly 5 years ago strange people came and broke away my chains, put knives in my hands and just sat watching my own hands stabbing me over and over again. Why should they care about me at all while my own hands don't ?!' I asked 'How can I save you my love ?!' He smiled again and replied 'May be we should start by reminding my hands that after all they're my hands, and that they belong to me, and that if anything wrong happens to me, then they'll be the biggest losers !'. I shouted 'Yes, but how ?!' And suddenly I just woke up. So it was only a dream, wasn't it ?! With my love. Yours forever, Lubna.


stardumb said...

lubna dear, my strong one,

thank you for sharing this amazing dream with us. it certainly seems as if this vision "visited you," in that it appeared as a piece of wisdom or tool for looking at things, which was outside of yourself. i mean, people don't just dream this stuff up, it HAPPENS TO YOU, in my opinion, and i think this dream was perhaps a blessing in rendering such a clear example of what is happening in iraq. the old man is iraq, right? he represents the people of iraq who were enslaved/abused by saddam, and yet once the handcuffs were cut by an outside who had no business interfering, the scene gets worse. it seems the old man didn't experience the ownership and vision and self love which is required to raise ones' self up, to expand and multiply in freedom.

i believe there is a chance for that process to occur, and the point at which you woke up--"yes! but how!" is an excellent question that you are demanding of your people and the world, b/c we are all in this together, and yet no one so intimately and directly affected as the iraqi people, so this wake up call really goes to them foremostly.

i believe in you, lubna, your people who i consider to be my people, and in sure change that can come from invested effort to keep reaching for more learning, listening, and altering our stuck ways.

all my love, yours forever, anita!

Abdelilah Boukili said...

In case you don't understand this dream, I can explain it to you. 35 years stand for Saddam rule, 5 years for Iraq invasion since 2003. I ma joking. I know how you can calculate these figures.

Let's hope Iraq becomes a peaceful land and the Iraqis stop harming themselves.

RosieVanderhoeven said...

Hi again Lubna!
I am one of those fortunate (unfortunate?) people who remember every dream I have. I think they can be gifts to us to help us figure things out or see our situations more creatively. I can't really recall a time when I had an "ah ha!" for one of my own dreams, but you know, as my husband has told me his dreams I have had many "ah ha!"'s in understanding him. I can more clearly see where his anxiety is coming from or things like that. So keep writing your dreams! We are listening!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lubna,
Thank you for sharing your dream and allowing others the opportunity to learn from your daily experiences. My heart goes to you.
-Sheri Massine (Anita's sister)