22 February 2008


Hi. I'm Lubna and I live in Baghdad, Iraq. I'm 21 years old and I'm also a fourth year medical student. In this blog I'll be telling you stories about our regular daily Baghdadi life that you will not get the chance to hear about from your media. Just to say a very big THANK YOU to my Precious friend Ian from Arizona, who has created this blog for me. Also I do want to say a very big THANK YOU to all my precious friends who work in the WHYS programme on the BBC World Service. Without their love and support I wouldn't be sitting here and blogging. They gave me the most important thing that anyone could give you : Confidence in myself. Speak to you later. With my love. Yours forever, Lubna.


Amy said...

Lubna, Thank you for your continued contribution to the WHYS shows. It is always a joy to hear your voice and know that you are safe. Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many as you go about your daily life (especially in those of a family in Beaverton, Oregon USA). Be safe. Amy

Anonymous said...

I'll second what Amy said. Each time Ros posts an email from you on the WHYS blog I breathe a sigh of relief that you are still fine. I'll be looking forward to reading your blog.

ZK in Singapore

Anonymous said...

My Dear Friend Lubna:

I am more than happy to help you out with your blog. I look forward to reading your daily contributions about your life.

Stay Safe!

Your Friend, Ian