23 February 2008

A regular Baghdadi day

Hi. One of the chronic problems that poor Baghdadis are facing since 2003 is the lack of electricity. In my house we get 1-2 hours electricity daily from the government, sometimes 3 hours. But we also 'buy' 9 hours electricity daily from the 'generator man'. The 'generator man' is our neighbour. He owns a private generator that generates electricity and we pay him almost 55$ monthly for 9 hours electricity daily. So we spend almost 13 hours daily with no electricity which is a very awful thing, isn't it ?! Especially in the summer when the temperature reaches 50 celsus during the day. I have a dream that one day the government gives us 12 hours electricity instead of 2. Is that too much to be asked ?! With my love. Yours forever, Lubna. PS, Dr.Hisham, Amy, ZK and Ian, THANKS A MILLION to all of you my good friends.

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