25 February 2008

From Rainy Baghdad

Hi from rainy Baghdad. If you ask any Baghdadi "What's your ultimate dream ?!", then he'll reply to you at once without any hesitation "Al Aman". Al Aman means safety in English. One of the most terrible feelings that most Baghdadis are still experiencing till now despite the relative improvement in the security situation is FEAR. Yes my good friends. If you want me to tell you who the Baghdadi is in one word then I'll answer you "The Baghdadi is a SCARED human being !". When you live in Baghdad, then you must get used to experiencing many feelings that are surely considered- by the standards of people who live in safe places- horrific : When you see a loved one of yours, you must keep in your mind that there's a possibility that this may be the last time you see him/her. When one of your family members gets out of the house, then your heart will keep burning till he/she gets back home again. Everytime you wanna get out of your house, then you must ask yourself "Do I have to do this ?! Do I have to get out of my house ?!". Because everytime you get out of your house, there's a possibility that you may get killed. When you're chained with fear, then you won't be able to work properly, you won't be able to go on with your life properly. When fear controls your life, then you'll be a slave. If we stop being afraid, then I can tell you that we'll be ok ! With my love. Yours forever, Lubna. PS, to my love Anita from the US : THANKS A MILLON sweetie.


Abdelilah Boukili said...
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Abdelilah Boukili said...

Hi Lubna,
Congratulations on your blog. You know, you're one of the stars of BBC WHYS. You were in the spotlight on many occasions, especially on the shows dedicated to you on your 21st birthday and your dialogue with Rabbi David.

I am one of those who constantly check you posts to BBC WHYS blog.

BTW, I linked your blog to my blog.

Abdelilah Boukili,
Marrakesh, Morocco

stardumb said...

wow. interesting. i can't imagine going around (or not going around, as you describe it, here!) in fear for my life or the lives of those i know/love.

i do have fear on a daily basis, but the fears do not center around my survival. they center around more luxurious, pitiful things--will i get enough comfort, attention, pleasure, admiration?

G-d, help me to be satisfied and very grateful for the safety i experience, and the other pleasures of life i take for granted.

lubna, i hope to keep learning from you along the way of life. i wish you peace and safety, and i know many things need to change for this to be the case, or perhaps, few things need to change majorly, and i am invested in searching for and looking and working toward these changes with you! all my love, yours forever, dr. angel!